I.F.Stone’s Weekly

Director: Jerry Bruck

Institute History

  • 1990 Sundance Film Festival


No dopey PBS paean to a great man, I.F. Stone's Weekly captures its eccentric, cantankerous subject at his muckraking best. The ferocious-and very funny-conscience of American journalism is seen going about his everyday work, from conducting his meticulous research (including a hilarious description of a n early run-in with the Atomic Energy Commission), to berating his less rigorous colleagues, to writing and even hand delivering his now legendary weekly. Bruck's film, a classic more remembered than seen, brilliantly communicates Stone's near-obsessive interest in the truth-and his sheer joy in discovering it within labyrinthine government documents of misinformation and cover-ups. The film's a high, a rare and inspiring delight.

Monday, January 22, 4:00 p.m.
Holiday Village Cinema III

Tuesday, January 23, 4:00 p.m.
Holiday Village Cinema III


— Tony Safford

Screening Details


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