Bob and the Trees

Institute History

  • 2015 Sundance Film Festival


Bob, a 50-something farmer with a soft spot for golf, gangsta rap, and the trees he knows so well, has hopes of bettering his station in life. When a large wood lot goes on sale for a good price, Bob sees the investment as an opportunity to come out on top. That night, however, on a neighboring farm, a skunk bites a pig, giving it rabies. The incident forces the authorities to quarantine the farm, which puts a scare into the entire town. This is only the first turn of events that will plague Bob’s once quiet, content life in rural Massachusetts.

Bob and the Trees is a rare, authentic portrait of modern-day rural life. First-time director Diego Ongaro creates a beautifully rich and transporting sense of atmosphere, time, and place as a farming community confronts the challenges of a sinking economy and a changing climate. —S.F.

Screens With:
A.D. 1363, The End of Chivalry—A little-known historical catastrophe leads to the definitive end of the era of chivalry and questing.
— Shari Frilot

Screening Details

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