Institute History
Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, who pioneered the non-fungible token (NFT), return to Sundance (their installation Our Second Date showed at the 2006 festival) with The Inside World, a crowdsourced gameplay mystery-thriller using digital art NFTs.
In this experimental fiction, delivered via digital art collectibles, Las Vegas is now operated by 14 Artificial Intelligence (AI) “managers” who handle every sector of the city. The problem is… one of them is secretly human!
Participants will collect one or more digital art NFTs depicting the 14 characters, which are combined on blockchain smart contracts to produce 8,000 unique initial NFTs. These game pieces grant access to a performance on the instant messaging platform, Discord, where memory logs can be created for each of the AI characters. Have you ever wanted to implant a robot’s childhood memory? Here’s your chance!
Set up your crypto wallet to participate in giveaways over the course of the Festival, or join the Discord story-building experience to explore the project’s launch and learn about NFTs and their potential for unique storytelling experiences.
Meet the artists behind all films and projects at the Festival on the Spaceship.