Love Machina

Director: Peter Sillen

Institute History


Futurists Martine and Bina Rothblatt commission an advanced humanoid AI named Bina48 to transfer Bina’s consciousness from a human to a robot in an attempt to continue their once-in-a-galaxy love affair for the rest of time.

Love Machina is where futurism meets love, where love meets humanity, where humanity meets AI. Director Peter Sillen (Benjamin Smoke, 62,000:1 Three Teams One City One Year) delivers a film transcending time and space. Sillen’s approach feels as imaginative and dreamlike as our protagonists. Love Machina is entrancing to watch — packed with discovery, curiosity, and heart. Sillen shares a love story between Martine and Bina Rothblatt, entangling us in their world of passion and extravagant determination. At the forefront of many social movements, Martine and Bina set out to do what previously seemed impossible, taking their love story past “till death do us part” to “as long as we both shall live.” Thoughtful and inquisitive, Sillen dares to transport us to infinity and beyond.—BB

Available in person. Also available online for the public (January 25–28) and credentialed press and industry (January 24–28).

Screenings include closed and open captions.

Screening Details

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