God Save Texas: La Frontera

Director: Iliana Sosa

Institute History

  • 2024 Sundance Film Festival


A three-part non-sequential anthology series.

Three directors offer their unique and personal perspectives on their home state of Texas, creating vivid portraits of a state that mirrors the United States’ past, present, and future. Inspired by the book God Save Texas: A Journey Into the Soul of the Lone Star State by Lawrence Wright.

Iliana Sosa examines how “nepantla,” an embrace of in-betweenness, characterizes relations to both her Mexican heritage and her hometown of El Paso, Texas. An exploration revealing how the city’s humanity and unique hybridity catalyzed unity, nurturing healing in the aftermath of a devastating mass shooting in 2019.

Screenings include closed and open captions.

Screening Details

  • Section: Indie Episodic Episodes
  • Film Type: Documentary Feature
  • Country: U.S.A.
  • Language: English & Spanish
  • Run Time: 55 min.
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