The Making of . . . And God Spoke

Director: Arthur Borman
Screenwriters: Michael Curtis, Greg Malins

Institute History

  • 1994 Sundance Film Festival


And God Spoke would have been the first major biblical epic to be produced in Hollywood since the sixties. But when production began, the brainchild of veteran B moviemakers Clive Walton and Marvin Handleman went terribly, horribly, apoplectically wrong. A documentary camera, meant to capture their triumph on film, instead put on record the greatest cinematic failure of our time.

The Making of… And God Spoke is a savvy, screamingly funny odyssey into the bowels of Hollywood. Furiously paced and raucously written, the film plays out a series of gags that right to the bone: smarmy studio brass wanting Jesus turned into a minor character, an overwrought production designer making an ark too large for the soundstage door, a casting mistake which forces the production to lose two apostles. Every detail reeks of accuracy only insiders could know.

The cast is terrific. Best of all are the cameos, featuring guest stars from "The Love Boat" and including, in a spellbindingly kitsch moment, the sublime Soupy Sales as Moses.

Perhaps the funniest movie ever made about Hollywood, The Making of… And God Spoke is a roller coaster ride into a surreal world where money is no object and everyone's teeth are perfect.

Is preceded by the short:
What I Learned in America

Saturday Jan 22 Midnight
Tower Theatre. Salt Lake City

Wednesday Jan 26 Midnight
Egyptian Theatre

Thursday Jan 27 12:30 pm
Park City Library Center


— Noah Cowan, Toronto Film Festival

Screening Details

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