DysFunKtional Family

Director: George Gallo
Screenwriters: Eddie Griffin

Institute History

  • 2003 Sundance Film Festival


Eddie Griffin is a funny man. If you don't know who he is, you will after this film. DysFunKtional Family tracks Griffin's stand-up comedy tour as he spreads his irreverent brand of humor through the American hinterland. In his routine, nobody gets off easy as he rockets from one taboo subject to another: terrorism, the finer points of oral sex, penis size, the works!

The basis of his work, and seemingly the anchor of his life as well, is Griffin's family. Travel with him to a family reunion and meet the cast of characters who are the root of his comedy: his mother, an uncle who was an ex-pimp, and his Uncle Curtis, who pontificates on his career as a porno director. When Griffin's jokes are intersected with footage of the actual family member he is regaling, it gives added depth to the film as well as to his humor. It is clear from the film's onset that Griffin is striking a chord with his audience: They love him and, in return, he relishes their laughter.

— John Cooper

Screening Details


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