Inside Deep Throat

Institute History

  • 2005 Sundance Film Festival


Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato are consummate documentary filmmakers who continually exhibit the bravery and courage to take on taboo subjects. This time their sights are set on the cultural impact of the 1972 adult film Deep Throat. Made for less than $25,000, it is considered the most profitable film of all time. When it was released in midtown Manhattan's adult theatres, it became a flash point for an unprecedented social and political firestorm. Bailey and Barbato take us through a fascinating history spanning nearly 30 years, traversing the sexual revolution and the war on pornography and charting the chasm between the modest intentions of the filmmakers who made Deep Throat and the unforeseen impact and legacy their film left on society.

Inside Deep Throat is loaded with surprises, but it is also packed with factual and anecdotal reminiscences from those who observed its impact and suffered in its wake—the stars Linda Lovelace and Harry Reems—and cultural commentary by the likes of Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer, and John Waters. So who better than Barbato and Bailey to take us on this ride? As the title implies, Inside Deep Throat makes full use of their trademark style, invariably with a wink to the absurd and a nod to the irony in the world around us.

— John Cooper

Screening Details

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