Kinky Boots

Director: Julian Jarrold
Screenwriters: Geoffe Dean, Tim Firth


With the sudden death of his father, Charlie Price takes up the reins of the family's Northampton shoe factory. But Charlie quickly discovers it is not business as usual, and without new shoe orders, bankruptcy is imminent. As if in a dream, enter Lola, fresh from London and larger than life: sexy, sassy, cabaret-singing man in a dress. These two unlikely friends become allies in a plan that will change the future of the factory and its workers, and the hearts and minds of anyone who crosses their path.

Kinky Boots is a whimsical romp spotlighting the very best in British cinema, including an achingly charming performance by Joel Edgerton and a spectacular reintroduction to American audiences of Chiwetel Ejiofor (Dirty Pretty Things). Julian Jarrold pulls off an auspicious directorial debut by creating a glittering gift of a film about human dignity and compassion. From pub to factory, England to the big shoe show in Milan, two themes ring through: There is much to learn from the people you least expect can teach you; and in life, it is usually best to accept who you are as well as who you are not. Just in case you haven't figured it out, these kinky boots are made for walking.

— John Cooper

Screening Details

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