Black and White in Color

Institute History

  • 1993 January Screenwriters Lab


Black and White in Color is a family saga, a story of how a family grew, loved one another and flourished in this melting pot called America. A story of young children sitting at the feet of their elders and listening to timeless stories of ancestors never seen or known, but who's spirit lives inside of the child. How the storytelling of a family becomes the history of a nation.

Two great southern families sharing the same name, but living on opposite sides of the color line, on the opposite sides of the track, through the savagery of slavery, the injustice of Jim Crow and the polarization that divides them to this day, come together in a family reunion for six sweet days in the lazy summer of 1992. The white Cheveaux family, the black Cheveaux family, the children of former slaves and the children of former slave owners find one another and give hope to a new generation.


As you use our Online Archives, please understand that the information presented from Festivals, Labs, and other activities is taken directly from official publications from each year. While this information is limited and doesn't necessarily represent the full list of participants (e.g. actors and crew), it is the list given to us by the main film/play/project contact at the time, based on the space restrictions of our publications. Each entry in the Online Archives is meant as a historical record of a particular film, play, or project at the time of its involvement with Sundance Institute. For this reason, we can only amend an entry if a name is misspelled, or if the entry does not correctly reflect the original publication. If you have questions or comments, please email [email protected]