Offspring of the Cold War

Institute History

  • 1999 Theatre Lab


Like a strange mating of Don DeLillo’s UNDERWORLD and Shepard’s FOOL FOR LOVE, OFFSPRING OF THE COLD WAR spans the American century as Marcus and Miranda, an Adam-and-Eve-like pair of urban strangers, root through a pile of artifacts that grow to reveal the architecture of their and our lives. Through an odd magic, the artifacts cast a mesmeric spell that vaults the two young lovers backward through history where they became a crass showman displaying his new invention, Coney Island; a John Rockefeller wannabe blushing in a dominatrix’s parlor; an old CIA hand pausing for a romantic afternoon at an antique shop, and numberless others. The prize at the bottom of Marcus and Miranda’s particular box of Crackerjacks is the unexpected connections and world-historic twists of fate that make up the intimate details, not just the headlines of our lives. OFFSPRING OF THE COLD WAR is an elegiac ballad for a just-passed moment in history, a small-scaled but broad-canvassed detective story solving the riddle of how we got to be who we are.
—Carlos Murillo

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