
Institute History

  • 2006 January Screenwriters Lab


Everybody loves Mack.

More like, everybody loves to fuck Mack. But Mack doesn’t mind. He’s a beautiful loser who stumbles aimlessly through his own life, willing to let people do what they want with him. He stays with his abusive ‘boyfriend’ Brendan because if he didn’t, he’s not sure what he would do. Mack doesn’t know anything else.

Like Mack, Dave is the kind of bright-eyed boy that everybody wants a piece of. But Dave’s been burned by love, and has closed his heart rather than risk the pain of another disappointment.

When Dave sees Mack for the first time, he is on the receiving end of a brutal meth-fueled four-way at the fringes of a desert rave. The ‘sex’ leaves Mack bruised and nearly naked, stumbling through the desert, without a ride home. This is when Mack meets Dave.

From the very first moment, both of them feel it.
Both of them are confused by it.
Both them are afraid to even think that what they are feeling might be what they somehow know it it.

This, of course, is where fate steps in and wrenches them violently apart. Mack is hurled into a downward spiral of drugs and prostitution, while Dave ends up alone on a beach in Mexico, the winner of a radio vacation contest for two. Neither one of them wants to give up on the other, but a series of near misses and miscommunications keeps them apart. Reluctantly, they both give in to the world around them, a world of sleazy Mexican porn producers and degrading sexual role-play.

Warm is a story about finding the courage to open your heart, and what might happen if you dare.


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