Every Stewardess Goes to Heaven

Institute History

  • 2001 Sundance NHK Filmmaker Award


"Teresa is in the sky.
She is a stewardess; she lives in her heaven of pantomime and little trays of frozen food. She has a fear of the depth of the ground. That world full of men, love, motherhood and family.
She prefers a life of airports and eternal flight.

Down below, there is Julian.
A young doctor, brand new widower, who must go to Ushuaia, the southernmost city of the world, in order to keep a promise: To scatter the ashes of his wife (also a stewardess) at the place where they first met. JULIAN does know about love and pain, and wants to escape to heaven, from this earthly world.
A woman trying not to fall from heaven.
A man trying to ascend. An inescapable encounter, in the end of the world, where the sky and the earth fuse in whiteness, where the horizon is in the past.


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