Institute History
Shaun the Sheep is a feature-length version of a British stop-motion animated television series that was a spin-off of the Wallace & Gromit franchise. The series stars Shaun, a sheep previously featured in the film A Close Shave, and his madcap adventures around a small farm as the leader of his flock. In the movie, Shaun's mischief inadvertently leads to the Farmer’s being taken from the farm. Shaun, Bitzer, and the flock must go to the big city to rescue him, setting the stage for an epic adventure.
Aardman Animations has done some of the best animation of all time, and Sundance Film Festival is thrilled to present the international premiere of its latest masterpiece. Utilizing marvelous stop-motion animation and clever writing, the animators create lovable characters in hilarious situations. Filled with laughs and thrills, Shaun the Sheep is an instant classic that will delight international audiences of all ages. —T.G.
Recommended for all ages.