Institute History
- 1988 Sundance Film Festival
I am the best-selling author in the world according to the Guiness Book of Records, “ exclaims 81-year-old romance fiction queen Barbara Cartland, resplendent in sky-blue voile, as she begins work on her 362nd book. George Paul Csicsery’s wonderfully funny film takes you inside the world of the romance novel: its wildly successful authors and book-devouring fans, its publishers series (Harlequin, Silhouette, Supreme Ecstasy), its literary raison d’etre (“We’re all in love with love”). Where the Heart Roams’ heroine is Chelley Kitzmiller, a southern California housewife who credits “Sweet Savage Love” with introducing her to literary passion. She and Kathryn Falk organize a cross-country “love train” for a New York-based conference on the genre. With 20 million American readers, romance is big business.
— Karen Cooper
Screening Details
- Music
- Producer
- Editor
- Director
- Cinematographer
As you use our Online Archives, please understand that the information presented from Festivals, Labs, and other activities is taken directly from official publications from each year. While this information is limited and doesn't necessarily represent the full list of participants (e.g. actors and crew), it is the list given to us by the main film/play/project contact at the time, based on the space restrictions of our publications. Each entry in the Online Archives is meant as a historical record of a particular film, play, or project at the time of its involvement with Sundance Institute. For this reason, we can only amend an entry if a name is misspelled, or if the entry does not correctly reflect the original publication.
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