Theatre Lab at White Oak Project Participants

Tim Acito

Quiara Alegría Hudes

Don Amendolia

J.Ed Araiza

Julie Archer

Will Aronson

Byron Au Yong

Hilary Austin

Julie Baldauff

Felix Barrett

Brent Barrett

Sean Barry

Zachary Bass

Joe Bates

Etai Benschlomo

Quincy Tyler Bernstine

Robert Besserer

Craig Bierko

Sarah Bittenbender

Judy Blazer

Catherine Bloch

Jacob Blumer

Stephen Bogardus

Anne Bogart

Ron Bohmer

Andy Boroson

Hannah Bos

Duane Boutte

Cort Brinkerhoff

Terry Burrell

Adam Burton

Oliver Butler

Jonathan Butterell

Mark Campbell

Roxanne Carrasco

Matt Castle

Matt Cavenaugh

Aysan Celik

Marissa Chibas

Kirsten Childs

Jocelyn Clark

Paul Cohen

Sascha Connor

Steve Cosson

Migdalia Cruz

Robert Cuccioli

Robert Curto

Eisa Davis

Emily Davis

Darius de Haas

Matthew Dellapina

Angel Desai

Stephen Dobbie

Lila Downs

Maxine Doyle

Timothy Doyle

Maggie Dubris

Christine Ebersole

Marisa Echeverria

Nathan Elam

Shawn Fagan

Darrel Fall

Matt Farnsworth

Vadim Feichner

Heather Fenoughty

Vadim Fiechtner

Felicia Finley

William Finn

T. Kevin Fischer

Carmen Ruby Floyd

Scott Frankel

Lexy Fridell

Michael Friedman

Nicholas Galbraith

Uta Gerbert

Andrew Gerle

Malcolm Gets

Malcom Gets

Sara Gettelfinger

Jenny Giering

John Glover

Joy Goede

Reneé Elise Goldsberry

Ricky Ian Gordon

Ruth Gottschall

Michael Greif

Kimberly Grigsby

Nancy Groc

A.R. Gurney

Danny Gurwin

Lisa Gutkin

Brad Haak

Jessica Hagedorn

Emily Rabon Hall

Ann Harada

Brad Heberlee

Daoud Heidai

Charles Hendricks

Tomer Heymann

John Hickok

Marva Hicks

Susan Hightower

Philip Himberg

Clenton Hollinger

Mark Hummel

Lisa Iacucci

Alicia Irving

Pam Isaacs

Aaron Jafferis

Georgi James

Nikki James

Rebecca Naomi Jones

Paul Kandel

Karen Kanfel

Robert Kaplowitz

Celia Keenan-Bolger

Karinne Keithley

Michael Korie

Lisa Kron

Steve Kroon

Irina Kruzhilina

Judy Kuhn

Tina Landau

James Lapine

Dick Latessa

Ellen Lauren

Michael Lavine

Adriane Lenox

Michael Levine

Ruth Maleczech

Gabrielle Malone

Steven Marzullo

Karen Mason

William Foster McDaniel

Howard McGillin

John McMartin

Jenni-Lynn McMillin

Terrence McNally

Robert McNeill

Monique L. Midgette

Caitlin Miller

Edgardo Mimica

Bernardine Mitchell

Jessica Molaskey

Jennifer Rae Moore

Martin Moran

Elizabeth Moreau

Peter Morris

Julia Murney

Justin Nestor

David Neumann

Kent Nicholson

Barney O'Hanlon

Imelda O’Reilly

Roman Paska

Jessica Paz

Shawn Pennington

David Pittu

Ruben Polendo

Michael Potts

Fernanda Prata

Paul Prestipino

Lonny Price

Jason Postell Pringle

John Rando

Andrew Rannells

Ellen Reid

Tijuana Ricks

Michelle Rios

Philippe Rodriguez-Jorda

Eliseo Roman

Steve Routman

Michael Rupert

Vinicius Salles

KJ Sanchez

Socorro Santiago

James Sasser

Marla Schaffel

Chauntee Schuler

Christine Sciulli

Sherie Rene Scott

Brian Scott

Michael Severance

Dan Sharkey

Bart Sher

Emily Skinner

Molly Smith

The Debate Society

Martin Sola

Scott Spahr

Patricia Spears Jones

Ted Sperling

Rachel Stern

Erin Stillson

Laura Stinger

Robert Collier Sublett

Corey Sullivan

Diane Sutherland

Desean Terry

Jeanine Tesori

Mary Testa

Shelly Thomas

Paul Thureen

Michael Torke

Mariand Torres

Elisa Van Duyne

Marc Vietor

Price Waldman

Rodney Waldrip

Lauren Ward

Nina Waters

Fred Watford

Stephen Webber

Ryan West

Susan White

Wayne Wilcox

Sally Wilfert

Tony Williams

Bruce Williamson

Mary Louise Wilson

Michael Winther

Doug Wright

Kellie Wyatt

Chay Yew

As you use our Online Archives, please understand that the information presented from Festivals, Labs, and other activities is taken directly from official publications from each year. While this information is limited and doesn't necessarily represent the full list of participants (e.g. actors and crew), it is the list given to us by the main film/play/project contact at the time, based on the space restrictions of our publications. Each entry in the Online Archives is meant as a historical record of a particular film, play, or project at the time of its involvement with Sundance Institute. For this reason, we can only amend an entry if a name is misspelled, or if the entry does not correctly reflect the original publication. If you have questions or comments, please email [email protected]