The Reemergence of the Soundtrack and Score

Friday, January 27, noon–1:30 p.m.


500 Main St.

In an ever-evolving industry, the potential of soundtracks is just beginning. The best occur when music is integral to the project. Verve Label Group President Danny Bennett and a panel of music producers, supervisors, and label executives discuss the modern-day soundtrack and score and address the issues: How do I afford a score? How can I release a soundtrack? And does a noticeable soundtrack help market my content? Presented by Verve Label Group/Universal Music Group

Damon Wise (Film Writer, Contributing Editor - Empire Magazine)

Danny Bennett (President, Verve Label Group)
Mike Viola (VP, A&R Verve Label Group)
RZA (Musician, Composer, Director, Actor)
Geremy Jasper (Filmmaker and Musician, Writer/Director "Patti Cake$" - Official 2017 Sundance Film Festival Selection)
Mary Ramos (Music Supervisor)

Panels are open to all Festival credential holders on a space-available basis.


Damon Wise
Danny Bennett
Mike Viola
Geremy Jasper
Mary Ramos
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