Exposed: Examining Sexuality in Independent Film

This panel will explore the prevailing attitudes toward sexuality in independent film as they compare to mainstream Hollywood. How do independent films approach sex and eroticism? Is it possible to generalize? How are alternative perspectives and points of view constrained or fostered? Are independents reverting to a kind of neopuritanism , or is sex alive and well in low-budget films as it is in the mainstream? How about gay and lesbian work? What about films that explore the boundaries of sexuality and self? Critic and author B. Ruby Rich will lead a discussion with some of this year’s filmmakers, addressing some of these concerns as well as issues of censorship and repression in the present day conservative political climate, but conversely liberal culture.


B. Ruby Rich
George LaVoo
Susan Streitfeld
Barbara Hammer
Owen Gleiberman
Bruno Barreto
As you use our Online Archives, please understand that the information presented from Festivals, Labs, and other activities is taken directly from official publications from each year. While this information is limited and doesn't necessarily represent the full list of participants (e.g. actors and crew), it is the list given to us by the main film/play/project contact at the time, based on the space restrictions of our publications. Each entry in the Online Archives is meant as a historical record of a particular film, play, or project at the time of its involvement with Sundance Institute. For this reason, we can only amend an entry if a name is misspelled, or if the entry does not correctly reflect the original publication. If you have questions or comments, please email