Songs and Soundtracks

The artistic and financial issues in placing songs are an important consideration in independent films. Music budgets are often misunderstood and neglected. Several leading soundtrack professionals will be on hand to discuss these and related issues.
Doreen Ringer Ross, vice president, Film/TV Relations of BMI will serve as moderator. Participants will include: Tracey McKnight, music supervisor for Human Nature; Bob Knight, publisher and vice president of Music Sales West; Randy Spendlove, president, Music and Soundtracks for Miramax films; Dawn Soler, music supervisor for Princess Diaries and Being John Malkovich; Scott Holtzman, senior vice president, Music, Business, and Legal Affairs, The Walt Disney Company, and Damen Higgmen, vice president, Soundtracks, Atlantic Records. Sponsored by BMI.


Tracy McKnight
Bob Knight
Randy Spendlove
Dawn Soler
Scott Holtzman
Damen Higgman
Doreen Ringer Ross
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