Artists have always found inspiration as well as an abundance of ideas in the realms of science and technology. Often, the result is a film about science. What's less common, but just as intriguing, is the way in which storytellers have used science as a metaphor to arrive at something else - an idea or theme about people and human nature. Can using science allow writers and filmmakers to create a framework for moral and philosophic questions about life? What attracted them to these ideas in science and what did that lead to creatively? How do scientists and artists regard what must seem a shared sense of purpose in seeking insight into the world? In a panel supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, join NPR's Ira Flatow; Alan Lightman, Einstein's Dreams; Darren Aronofsky, Pi, and others in pondering the role of science in storytelling.
Ira Flatow
Panelist | Alan Lightman
Panelist |
Darren Aronofsky
Panelist |