How "Movies That Matter" Can Matter

How do you get important issues like genocide, climate change, and the prisoner abuse out of the theater and into the national focus? Can film encourage activism and create real change? Sean Fine(co-director, WAR DANCE), Judith Helfand (co-director, EVERYTHING’S COOL), Rory Kennedy (director, GHOSTS OF ABU GHRAIB), Eric Schlosser (author of Fast Food Nation), Gayle Smith (Center for American Progress), Brian Steidle (Global Grassroots), Diane Weyermann (Participant Productions), and moderator Helene Cooper (New York Times).
Copesented by the Center for American Progress.


Helene Cooper
Sean Fine
Judith Helfand
Rory Kennedy
Eric M. Schlosser
Gayle Smith
Brian Steidle
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