Documentaries Today: How Authentic Stories Have Reeled in New Audiences

Fueled by SVOD and AVOD programming, documentaries are finding a new home with younger audiences, with 80% watching at least monthly. As our thirst for real-life stories grows, the way we’re producing docs and the subjects filmmakers are focusing on are changing as well. In this panel discussion, Shutterstock’s Global CRO Jamie Elden will speak with Aiden Darné, Global Head of Shutterstock Studios, and the filmmakers of Bronx soccer story “We Are King”, celebrity photographer Miles “Diggzy” Diggs of “Money Shot,” and Keenan MacWilliam, director and multidisciplinary artist. How is the creative process changing? What technology is accelerating production? And how do you keep truth at the center of the story amid all the noise?

Presented by Shutterstock


Aiden Darné
Jamie Elden
Keenan MacWilliam
Miles "Diggzy" Diggs
Jon Weidman
Dan Bradley
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