
Director: Blerta Basholli
Screenwriters: Blerta Basholli

Institute History


In a tight-knit town in Kosovo, families struggle to make ends meet as they anxiously await news of husbands, fathers, and sons who were ripped away by the war. When Fahrije’s bees stop producing honey, she acquires her driver’s license and ventures into the city to sell homemade ajvar in a local grocery store. Fahrije’s ingenuity and ambition challenge the conservative townspeople, who are steadfast on traditional roles and patriarchal expectations. She disregards insults, gossip, and even physical attacks to empower a community of women to be self-reliant and independent in order to survive together.

Anchored by Yllka Gashi’s subdued yet intensely emotional performance, writer/director Blerta Basholli’s captivating debut is layered with honesty and authenticity. Her naturalistic camera focuses on the high-stakes enterprise Fahrije takes on while mourning the disappearance of her husband, navigating a new world, and surprising herself and those around her. Based on a real story, Hive is a quiet, uplifting gem that highlights the strength in its characters as it proves nothing can stop women on a mission.

— D.B.

Screening Details

Sundance Film Festival Awards

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